Tuesday, March 30, 2010


When I heard my 3.4kg baby girl cry for the first time on the 7th of November 2009 approximately @ 10.41am, it was the most beautiful feeling...can't believe i'm actually having a normal delivery instead of C-sec.
After a few light quarrel with my husband and of course with my mum and my in-laws, not to mention my siblings, finally we decided to named her Alyaa Amani.
3 days after she was born, she was hospitalized for about 7 days due to Jaundis. The highest reading was 313 and last for 2 days..and it was 250 when she was admitted. The stitches is still hurt like hell but suprisingly I manage to find my strengh to go on, thinking that my husband is there to support me. My faith tested again when my husband told me that he must attend course and he will be out of town for 2 weeks. I still remember one time when her 'ward collegue' sent home one by one and finally it was both of us left. I felt so miserable and sad seeing her lying in 'the box' with her eyes covered, its so painful for me that I can't stop crying.
Every 8am, 10ml of blood sample will be taken and the result will be sent to ward @ 12pm. Waiting is full of worriness and can be panicking...Lots of "what if..." Q playing in my mind and I didn't dare to come to any conclusion. One incident happen the second last day of taking blood samples. I assumed the nurse on duty on that particular day was new, her hand was so shaky and her pratice was very bad. Taking Alyaa's blood sample is a struggle for her. Maybe she was panic- Alyaa's belly cord was pulled off!! and i dont know how it happens?? Thank God its nothing serious..What an experience...
Now Alyaa will be 5 months old this coming April and she is healthy and growing up normal.."Mudah-mudahan semuanya selamat"...
p/s: "Alyaa, as u can see here...sucking ur point finger together with ur middle finger is ur habit since u are 2 months old.. ;) and Umi hope it will not last for long ar..."

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