Friday, August 13, 2010

Ayah, Adi and Alya...AAA like 3A's batteries..hahaha. This pic was taken right after we came back from our food stall via laptop web cam (of course after taking bath and ready to go to bed).
I was not in the pic b'coz I'm busy doing laundry and lot of ironing to do right after that. These days was very tiring (before we hire nanny to look after the kids). Same routine and working long hours making life soooo tense! My husband and I wake up early every morning..and I have to wake up the kids early as well and put them back to bed when we arrived at our food stall.
I have to put 2 baby cot in front of the serving area (just imagined; customer will see my babies when they came to have their lunch etc..). I feel like I'm more than supermom..I'm the cook, the server (taking orders,making orders and send the orders), the cleaner (I have to clean tables right after I take order and sometimes before sending them to the customer-and I have to wash the dish, mop the floor arranging thing in order..EVERYTHING!!!), the cashier and I have to watch my to kids (which is 4 months old and 2 years old) while I'm doing all of this.
I have to bathe them, change their diapers, feed them, put them to sleep etc)..I don't know how I do all that but Praise to Allah- I did!
Everyday my husband arrived from school around 4pm. Then he will be in-charge in front (concierge) while I'll be at the back...the story does not ends here..
We closed the stall 7pm everyday.. when we got home other chores waiting...such as laundering, ironing, folding and arranging the clothes and so on...
Bed time means to stay awake for my 2nd baby (as usual baby did) cry all night and just want to stay awake....and this happens everyday from Nov 2009 until may 2010.
Now we are used to it all hopefully Allah will always be with us..give us strength to go through all this...Insyaallah...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adi at The Hentian Kilimu Resto first to wear big shirt nowadays...i don,t know why..maybe its normal...'growing process' as they say it...

He takes his bath not less than 5 times a day...I potty train him..its about 4 months to manage him sit properly while his doing his 'thing'...and now bye-bye diapers for him...yayy!!

This coming September he will be 3 years old...i cnt believe seeing him grow in front of my eyes..everybody think that is is already 4 or something...infact he's hardly reach 3...but his development is so rapid fast...(now he can write his own name and pronounce it well, not to mention his singing has improved a lot!!!).. just now he showed me his origami airplane...i'm so shocked!!! he managed to fold it right...hmmmm....